November 30, 2015

How to disable BMW E46 DRLs with NCS expert step by step

Since there is no detail instruction on disabling BMW Daytime Running lights, I decided to make my own document. I am driving a BMW E46 1998 year.

Software & Hardware:

1). Using NCS Expert in BMW ICOM Rheingold ISTA-D ISTA-Psoftware program and connectBWM ICOM A2+B+C diagnostic system

2). Download free NCS expert software and get it work on INPA K+DCAN cable


The procedure works perfect on my E46, not sure if it works on other BMW models.


Open My computer

Open NCS Expert folder

Open work folder

Open a notepad "FSW-PSA.MAN” in WORK folder

Save the file

Open NCS Expert

Select File>>Load file

Select Renitor’s NCS Expert Profile


Press F1 VIN/ZCS/FA button

Press F3 ZCS/FA t.ECU

Select BMW model: E46, press OK


Select E46 ECU type: EWS, press OK

Press F6 Back

The system will display all available ECU

Press F4 Process ECU

Choose ECU: LSZ, click OK


Check ECU info in "Enter SGET data” windows, click OK

Press F5 Basic functions

Pull down the function list and select "coapReadSgGetFswPsw”, press OK


Change CBD name to LSZ.C27, press OK

Basic function perfect ended

Copy and paste "PSW-PSW.TRC” on WORK folder to desktop

Open "PSW-PSW.TRC” notepad

Select Edit tab

Look for file with "drl” and locate "FERNLICHT-DRL nicht_aktiv ”


Delete "nicht-”


Change "EINZEIT-DRL wert-01” to "EINZEIT-DRL wert-02”


Pull download the list and locate "TAGFAHRLICHT nicht_aktiv”, delete "nicht”


Pull down the list, locate "PROGRAMMPARAMETER-LSZ-1-10 ece” to "PROGRAMMPARAMETER-LSZ-1-10 us”

  • "ece-xenon” remains unchanged.
  • LSZ-11 and later remains unchanged


Save and rename the file as "FSW-PSW.MAN”

Copy "FSW-PSW.MAN” on desktop to WORK folder and replace it

Press F3 "Execute job”

Check if your daytime running lights are disabled

Follow the system prompt and then exit the BMW NCS Expert software

Posted by: jean at 05:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 299 words, total size 5 kb.

November 27, 2015

How to install BMW ETK software 2015.10V

The latest 2015.10V BMW ICOM Rheingold HDD/SDDcomes with ISTA-D 3.51, ISTA-P 3.56, KSD, ETK etc software. The latest ETK version goes to 3.1.10 (10/2015).

ETK: 3.1.10
ETK Database: 2.36
Multi-Language:English, Netherlands, Chinese, German etc.
ETK Function:

BMW ETKsoftware 2015-10 contains technical information about electronic catalogue spare parts and accessories, step by step instructions for operation and maintenance of machinery, electrical and hydraulic diagrams, special repair manuals, technical specifications, designed to cater to all cars, Mini, motorcycles and Rolls-Royce.

Installing BMW ETK 2015.10 Version on Windows 8.1 64 Bit OS:

1. Insert the ETK disk into your CDROM Drive. Depending on the setup of your computer you may get an AutoPlay Window Popup. If this happens, cancel the AutoPlay.
2. Go to Computer and double click on the CD icon to view the files on the CD.
3. Double click on WIN95 folder, BMW folder, and then ETK folder.
NOTE: BMW uses a "win95 folder label” the data on the disk is current.
4. Double click on the setup icon and the installation will begin.
5. Select English (USA) if prompted for language anytime during the install.
6. This installation will place an icon called SYSADM with the BMW logo on your desktop. SYSADM is the installation utility for any of the vehicle diagnostic and parts software including TIS, ETK, HTK, etc.
7. Place the ETK disk into the drive and start SYSADM. Select EPC from the menu then click install.
8. If the SYSADM version on the ETK is newer it will be replaced automatically. When asked, click OK to replace the older version.
9. You may be prompted for Total Catalog or Motorcycle, choose Total Catalog.
10. The installation will start and a window will pop-up and prompt for language. Select English (USA) for use in the US.
11. Installation will proceed.
12. When installation is complete you will get another window requesting dealer network information and language. DO NOT CHECK THE DEALER NETWORK BOX. This requires a subscription and password and is used to check inventory on the network. Select English (USA) if being used in the US and continue.
13. Installation should complete and the program is ready for use.
14. ETK can be accessed from the TIS by clicking on the "Change” button in the top-level menu. By using the "change” button you can go back and forth between TIS and ETK and retain vehicle parameters.
15. When you start ETK click on the vehicle identification at the top and select you vehicle and enter the last 7 digits of your VIN into the boxes. If the VIN has been entered correctly you should be able to click the arrow at the lower right of the screen and you will get a Vehicle Identification pop-up. If you are unable to get the software to recognize your vehicle, you can select it by year, model, and options using the menu selections. Mini owner’s need to click the Marque and change to Mini.
WARNING:Installing to the hard drive takes a while for the files to copy. It will also take approximately 650MB of space.
9. Select English (USA) whenever prompted.
10. This will install the TIS software and place the TIS icon on your desktop.
11. Click in the TIS icon to use the software.
12. When you start TIS click on vehicle identification at the top and select you vehicle and enter the last 7 digits of you VIN into the boxes. If the VIN has been entered correctly you should be able to click the arrow at the lower right of the screen and you will get a Vehicle Identification pop-up. If you are unable to get the software to recognize your vehicle, you can also select it by year, model, and options using the menu selections.

Posted by: jean at 07:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 638 words, total size 6 kb.

November 25, 2015

BMW Scanner V1.4.0 Pa-soft code E38 LCM IV

MyBMW scanner 1.4.0cable first had the communication error with my E38 750i 2001. Then I hooked up a 20 pin under the hood…it talks flawlessly with my car. You can also solder pin 7& 8 whatever like others do. But personally I am not recommend soldering pins, because Pin Setup is absolutely different that of a same series 740.

BMW Scanner V1.4.0 Pa-soft code E38 LCM IV

BMW Scanner V1.4.0 Pa-soft code E38 LCM IV

Some software version of Pa-soft are not compatible with newer LCM’s ( i.e. LCM IV’s with HIGH Software & Hardware ). I was searching around obd365and finally get a BMW Scanner cable with pa-soft 1.4:

I have successfully reprogrammed my LCM IV in Full with ZERO Tamper Dot.

I download the pa-soft software.

Make a connection under the hood.

And follow these steps

  1. Reprogram Euro LCM IV to U.S LCM IV (Trace Function by Trace Function, From Euro ==> U.S. ,….it takes some time)
  2. Replace VIN & KORRECHT Mileage from IKE
  3. Remove Tamper Dot
  4. Clear ALL fault codes stored
  5. Done.

I have no problem accessing both DME’s and The EML whichINPA, DIS has. But INPA, NCS Expert and Pa-soft work on LCM 100%.

Posted by: jean at 08:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 191 words, total size 2 kb.

November 21, 2015

BMW ICOM 2015.10v ISTA D 3.51 ISTA P 3.56 Expert Mode KSD

 BMW ICOM V2015.10 ISPA NEXT ISTA-D 3.51.31 ISTA-P diagnostic & programming software for Windows 8 system is available in obdii365.

Software Version:



VIN: 2015.10.7

Not connected 9000 days remaining

Operating system

Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit)

Computer requirements

---Processor (CPU):Dual-core processor. Intel Pentium 3.5 GHz, Core Duo 1.8 GHz or better

---Memory (RAM): 4 GB or more

It is recommended to use Lenovo ThinkPad: T61, T410, T420, T430, X200, X201, X220 X230 and other laptop with Intel chipset, such as I3/ I5 / I7 series.

Interface requirements


Software includes:



Software Name

Software Function


ISPI-NEXT Admin Tools

ISPI-NEXT authorization software


ISPI Admin Client

ISPI-NEXT authorization management and environment Configuration software



Diagnostic and repair guide, including Diagrams and disassembly Figure



Programming and coding software system



Navigation software upgrade back-office services (function with ISTA-P, need to Import map files)



Work software



Accessories Catalog



Engineer Software for F series (available for programming and coding)



Engineer Software for E series, for programming


NCS-Expert tool

Engineer Software for E series, for coding



Engineer Software for E series, for diagnosis



Engineer Software for E series, able to run directly


BMW Coding Tool

Auxiliary Software of Engineer Software for E series (Available to import model data to WINKFP and NSC)



Auxiliary Software of Engineer Software for E series (Available to modify NCS data)



Used to recognize ICOM, activate or releaseICOMPort



Used to Configure the Environment Parameter of Engineer Software for E series, can activate or releaseICOMPort


BMW ISTA-D RHEINGOLD 3.51.31(American, English, German, Russian, Chinese, French, Swedish, Turkish, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian languages)

---Module (ECU) errors reading and clearing

---Gearbox (transmission) and engine adaptations erasing

---Fuel injectors control, correction amount real time viewing, injector registering

---Engine mountings testing

---Mass air flow (MAF) testing and registering. Whole air system testing

---EGR system control and testing

---Turbocharger and related components control and testing

---Diesel particulate filter regeneration (DPF)

---Battery replacement

---Oil change and service interval reset

---Wiring diagrams, live data, repair instructions, technical documents etc

---And many more other functions

BMW ISTA-P Multilanguage + Expert Mode (single module programming)

---Battery type change

---Module (ECU) software updating, coding and replacement

---Vehicle retrofitting, options enabling and disabling

---Choose ISTA-P language directly from ISTA-P taskbar agent

---And many more other functions

BMW KSD 10.2015 Multilanguage

---Working/labor hours

---Technical data

---Service information

---Defect codes

---Service & repair packages

---Approved wheel/tire combinations

---Recommended summer and winter tire

---And other functions


ISPI ISTA-D VCI Config tab

ISTA-P Expert Mode

BMW KSD2 information window

ISPI ISTA-D language setting

EPC information 

E-SYS 3.26.1


If you need 2015.10V ISTA 3.51 ISTA-P 3.56 SSD (Solid-state drive), please select Item No:SS151-A10。

Posted by: jean at 02:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 486 words, total size 11 kb.

November 16, 2015

BMW ICOM A, ICOM A2 and ICOM A3 difference

BMW ICOM diagnostic and programming system for BMW, MINI Cooper and Rolls Royce has upgraded to third generation-ICOM A3. Then what’s the difference among ICOM A,ICOM A1,ICOM A2 and ICOM A3?

6 major differences are listed below:

  • Appearance:

ICOM and ICOM A sharethe same appearance.

ICOM A3 designed with lightweight and smaller size

All BWM ICOM system comes with three modules ICOM A, ICOM B and ICOM C

ICOM A – main adapter with OBD II connector for MOST, KCAN, DCAN

ICOM B – additional adapter for optic line, use USB connection with ICOM A

ICOM C – adapter for old vehicles with round 20-pin connector.

  • ICOM Firmware/Hardware

ICOM A and ICOM A2 share the same firmware. Four firmware version optional: V1.1.8, V1.33 and V1.36, and new V1.38. Each version firmware update tool can be downloaded free here:

1.18 firmware update tool

1.36 firmware update tool

1.38 firmware update tool


ICOM A3 comes with firmware version: V1.37

The new ICOM A3 has a better built firmware which supports better heat dissipation feature and able to receive a significantly more powerful processor and more storage capacity. A3 comes with robust aluminum box will help to avoid damage in harsh environments when using.

3)ICOM Software:

ICOM A and ICOM A1 software:ISIS (ISTA-P) and ISID (ISTA-D), the latest version is: 2013.01.

ICOM A2 and ICOM A3 software:ISTA-D ISTA-P (or Rheingold version).

ICOM A2 current version: 2015.8V ISTA-D 3.50.10 ISTA-P 3.56.1

ICOM A3 current version: 2015.8V ISTA-D 3.50.10 ISTA-P 3.56.1

There will be newer software version released continually in the future.

ISIS/ISTA-D=diagnostic software

ISIS/ISTA-P= programming software

  • Function:

ICOM A and ICOM A2 perform same function. But due to the old ICOM A module have problem in the cooling and protection design, ICOM A2 adopts the whole aluminum shell body, using aerial explosion-proof connector; and it use the joint connection line which similar to the Mercedes-Benz SDCONNECT COMPACT 4.

BWM ICOM A2 comes with Network cable, can do Fiber optical programming, but ICOM A3 does not contain Networkcable, can not do Fiber optical programming.

  • Operating system

ICOM A: supportWin XP O/S only.

ICOM A1: Win XP and Win 7 64 bit O/S

ICOM A2: Win XP and Win 7 O/S

ICOM A3: Professional Win7 64 bit (NO Win XP)

6) Vehicle support

ICOM A2 and ICOM A3 cover the same BMW, MINI and Rolls Royce models.

In conclusion:

  1. The newest version ICOM A2 works better in cooling, runs faster and worksmore stable, not easierbroken than older ICOM.
  2. ICOM A3 can program all units for all BMW series expect media system.
  3. ICOM A3 work more stable and has stronger compatibility than ICOM A2, A1.

Posted by: jean at 06:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 451 words, total size 4 kb.

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