May 31, 2017

Free Download and Install BMW E-SYS 3.28.1 and Psdzdata 3.61.4 Lite

This blog will show you a tested working mega link to download:BMW E-SYS 3.28.1+ E-SYS Launcher Premium 2.7.1+ Psdzdata3.61.4 Lite

BMW Coding Program about E-SYS ALL included! NO pass, free to all!
Which diagnostic cable to use with E-SYS 3.28.1 and PsdzdataLite 3.61.4?
BMW ENET Cablefor F-series coding (Cheapest option for BMW Coding)
BMW ICOM A2WIFI(More than just do coding, allow you to fully diagnose and program BMW)
BMW ICOM NEXT(The next generation of ICOM A2)
Tip 1:Before installing new E-SYS 3.28.1 You should uninstall the existing E-SYS version.
Tip 2:E-sys Launcher Premium 2.7.1 is tested OK to launch E-SYS 3.28.1. (require NET Framework 4.5.2 or above.)
Tip 3:E-SYS Launcher Premium V2.7.1 Build 135 update info:
Fixed "Unknown Error” error when recalling cheat code;
When generating a token, simply enter the PIN number to simplify the creation (remove folder selection);
Improved communication between Launcher and E-Sys
Tip 4:Why we prefer Psdzdata Lite than Psdzdata Full?
It’s recommended to use the Psdzdata "Lite” version because it has all the Firmware data removed so it saves a lot of space!

How to install BMWE-Sys3.28.1 coding software?
(Refer to E-Sys 3.26.1 installation)
Extract E-Sys using Winrar.
Right click it and click "extract here”.
Run E-Sys_Setup_3_26_1_b42487.exe
Select language, click "Next” then "I accept the agreement” then "Next”.
Click "Browse” to choose where to install E-Sys. The default location is C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys.
Set the data path for E-Sys, the default is C:\Data.
Click next until the installation begins.
Click "Finish” to complete the basic installation procedure for E-sys.
Then you need to make it work.
You will see two folders, one is a "Patch” the other is "Token Generator”.
The patch folder contains 2 files: E-Sys.bat (batch file) and svc0x80.jar file
Copy the svc0x80.jar file to the lib directory (C: /EC-Apps/ESG/E-Sys/lib)
Place the E-Sys.bat (batch file) in the same directory as the .exe file. Replace the .bat file in that directory (C: /EC-Apps/ESG/E-Sys)
Use the Token Software, enter a username as you like and password.

How to install psdzdata 3.61 Lite?
This is an important and final step of the installation process. The E-Sys installation doesn’t contain any data so you must copy the data into the right folder.
Extract Psdzdata using Winrar. Right click it and click "extract here”.
After that go to C:\Data and erase the existing "Psdzdata” folder and copy this extracted new one in the same location.

You can use E-Sys now!

Posted by: jean at 01:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 414 words, total size 9 kb.

May 24, 2017

Free Download BMW E-sys 3.26.1 and FSC Generator

Here is a step-by-step guide to show you: How to generate BMW FSC code by BMW E-Sys and BMW FSC Generator? Use a $11.99BMW ENET Cableand start as below:

Step 1: Download BMW E-Sys and BMW FSC Generator, extract them to Local C: Disk.
This tutorial use BMW E-Sys 3.26.1, you can also download latest BMW E-Sys 3.28.1:
Download BMW FSC Gen:

Step 2: Use theENET Cableto connect car with E-Sys software then open E-Sys.
Follow step by step as below:
Enter "Expert Mode" in the menu on the left of the screen.
Click "FSC-Extended"
Input "0x63" in Diagnostic Address blank
Click the "Identify" button
Confirm HU_NBT
Enter "0xDE" in Application Number blank
Enter "0x1" in Upgrade Index blank
Click "Store FSC" then click the ">>" button to confirm that SotreFSC is created on the right side.
Click the "Read" button
Then click "Save" button to save as DE.fsc file name

Step 3: Copy the DE.fsc file to My Computer→ C drive → FSCGen
Press the Windows key + R button, enter CMD Enter (Run Command Prompt)
After entering cd \, enter (\ is the key on the left or bottom of the backspace key, which is used to display the circle. Cd is the command to go to the directory one step up, cd is the abbreviation of change directory, it is used to move the directory.)
Enter "cd FSCGen"
Step 4: Enter "Nbt.exe de.fsc 0xA6 0x28 X123456" (X123456 is the last 7 digits of the chassis number and all chassis numbers must be in capital letters.)
In this way, you can generate BMW FSC code successfully! All you need to buy is just a cheapBMW ENET F-series Coding Cable!
Related BMW diagnostic tool you may need:
BMW ICOM NEXTwith V2017.03 ISTA-D software

Or directly visit

Posted by: jean at 01:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 308 words, total size 6 kb.

May 23, 2017

BMW ICOM ISTA Coding and Programming FAQ

Here share with you some useful tips and knowledge when talking about BMW Coding and BMW Programming by ISTA Rheingold!

Check below Q&A: (Questions raised by a beginner and answered by a professional)
Q: Is it safe to update software with ISTA on all BMW's that come through my shop ? What problems can I run into? (assuming I have a good power supply for car and laptop)
A: Depends on many factors, but as long as you use agoodICOMand a good power supply, you should be OK.

Q: Can updates on comfort mode, brick an ECU (or more)?
A: As long as you stick to the proposed measures plan in Comfort Mode and your setup (laptop, software etc.) is solid, there shouldn't be any opportunity to brick an ECU.

Q: If updates are safe, on what series can I do them ? BMW F, G for sure..can I do E ?
A: F, G and I series and for Motorrad models with vehicle electrical system 2020 (BN2020). E Series programming is not supported in ISTA+, use ISTA/P or WinKFP for individual modules.BMW ENET Cableyou may also need.

Q: Updates for Navi maps, can I do them in ISTA also ? Again, is it safe ? Do you recommend E-Sys more for this job ?
A: I have not attempted this with ISTA+, but would assume process is similar to ISTA/P. I'd stick with ESYS strictly for ease of use.

Q: I have anBMW ICOMA2+B+Cwith ISTA all OK. And I understand that E-Sys is more complex than ISTA, regarding coding and programming for F-Series, as NCSExpert and WINkfp are for E-Series. You can do coding in ISTA also right ? for all series ? Or ISTA does less ?
A: You need to differentiate between coding and "encoding". ISTA+ will do "encoding" depending on the programming required. That is not the same as coding (features). I don't think I'd say ESYS is more complicated than ISTA+, each are different in the way they approach coding/programming.

Hope this blog helps you!

BMW Coding and Programming related tools all here:
BMW ENET Coding Cable
BMWINPA K+DCANwith FT232RQ Chip and Switch

Posted by: jean at 02:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 373 words, total size 6 kb.

May 19, 2017

Free Download BMW ICOM 05.2017 ISTA-P 3.61.4 ISTA-D 4.04.31

Here, free download the latestBMW ICOM Nextsoftware05.2017 ISTA-D 4.04.31ISTA-P 3.61.4 (Expert Mode)andETK-KSD-RSD

Free downloadISTA-P
– not tested, try on your own risk

Free download BMW ISTA-D 4.04.31 Standalone + SQLiteDBs EN-DB V4.04.31 + Tool
– not tested, try on your own risk

Download ISTA-D 4.04.12 ISTA-P Windows 7:
– 100% tested, works perfectly with the new ICOM Next and old BMW ICOM
ISTA-D 4.04.31 ISTA-P 3.61.4System requirements:
Operating system
  • Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Windows 8 or 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Hardware requirements
  • Processor (CPU):min 2.2 GHz Dual Core or 4.4 GHz Single Core CPU (Summary of Cores or Threads should be more than 4.4 GHz)
  • Memory (RAM): min 4 GB
  • Hard drive (HDD):min 195 GB free space on disk C: before installation
Interface requirements
  • BMW ISPI ISTA+:Genuine or clone ICOM A1, A2 or A3, ICOM Next A, ENET cable, K-Dcan cable
  • BMW ISPI ISTA-P:Genuine or clone ICOM A1, A2 or A3, ICOM Next A,BMW ICOM Next

2017.05ISTA-D 4.04.31ISTA-P 3.61.4Information:

BMW ISTA+ 4.04.31(also called ISTA, ISTA-D or Rheingold)
  • Module (ECU) errors reading and clearing
  • Gearbox (transmission) and engine adaptations erasing
  • Fuel injectors control, correction amount real time viewing, injector registering
  • Engine mountings testing
  • Mass air flow (MAF) testing and registering. Whole air system testing
  • EGR system control and testing
  • Turbocharger and related components control and testing
  • Diesel particulate filter regeneration (DPF)
  • Battery replacement
  • Oil change and service interval reset
  • Wiring diagrams, live data, repair instructions, technical documents etc
  • Programming, vehicle retrofit, mirror coding, FSC codes adding or updating etc
  • And many more other functions
BMW ISTA-P Multilanguage + Expert Mode (single module programming)
  • Battery type change
  • Module (ECU) software updating, coding and replacement
  • Vehicle retrofitting, options enabling and disabling
  • Choose ISTA-P language directly from ISTA-P taskbar agent
  • And many more other functions
BMW KSD 05.2017 Multilanguage
  • Working/labor hours
  • Technical data
  • Service information
  • Defect codes
  • Service & repair packages
  • Approved wheel/tyre combinations
  • Recommended summer and winter tyres
  • And other functions
BMW RSD 09.2016 Multilanguage
Commercial and technical service data for repair and maintenance of BMW Motorcycles
  • Working/labor hours
  • Technical data for motorcycle
  • Service information
  • Defect codes
  • Description of devices and tools
  • Process of removal, installation of bike parts and mechanisms
  • Service & repair packages
  • Approved wheel/tyre combinations
  • And other functions

ISTA-P 3.60 Car List:

can be dealt with using ISTA/P:
ï‚· E Series
ï‚· F, G and I series (will be switched off gradually from ISTA/P 3.62.0 on)

F, G, I Series (ISTA 4, ISTA/P)
Series group I level
F001 (F0x, RR4, RR5) F001-17-03-505
F010 (F06, F1x) F010-17-03-505
F020 (F2x, F3x, F80, F82, F83, F87) F020-17-03-505
F025 (F15, F16, F25, F26, F85, F86) F025-17-03-508
F056 (F4x, F5x, F6x) F056-17-03-507
S15A (G1x, G3x, RR1x) S15A-17-03-507
S15C (G3 S15C-17-03-506
I001 (I03, I0 I001-17-03-507
I levels correspond to the ISTA Service Data version on the front page.

E Series (ISTA/P)
Series group I level
E065 (E65, E66) E065-15-07-500
E060 (E60, E61, E63, E64) E060-16-11-500
E070 (E70, E71, E72) E070-16-11-500
E89x (E81, E82, E84, E87, E88, E89, E90, E91, E92, E93) E89x-16-11-500
R056 (R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61) R056-17-03-504
RR01 (RR1, RR2, RR3) RR01-17-03-500

ISTA-D 4.04 ISTA-P 3.60Review:

I have installed it without any problems…

Me to without any error no problem
sometime download from mega file is corrupted and if you download with megadownloader files get corrupted all the time.
try download it again maby that will help.

Also no error here – Working perfect

With me runs very well.

Posted by: jean at 03:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 589 words, total size 8 kb.

May 16, 2017

BMW ICOM Next clone Better Quality Review

Have some words about my new toyBMW ICOM NextA+B+C diagnostic tool from China.


I am using 2017.3 bmw softwareISTA-D 4.04.12 ISTA-P Windows 7


i first went toICOM Nextwith mye38. This car was bought new in 2001 and i only have 65k miles on it but the dash was always lit up like a Christmas tree! since day one this car had electrical issues and every time the dealership said they fixed it, the same issue would pop up…the icom next helped mediagnose the problem and fixe it, with 1 hour!!

Then, i took my2014 (f31) 328ix sport wagon, now this was the cool stuff…ihad all these special codes to do some really trick stuff to the electronics like using the key fob to close my rear hatch, roll upthewindows and sunroof, as well as fold mirrors when i lock the car. all my phone contacts in my heads up display …icom next is really acool guy, very laid back and not pretentious whatsoever.

And, my friend’s2011 128ialso benefited a lot. Ithad some electrical issues, causing the radio not to work and the speedometer, RPM, and gas gauge to suddenly drop and rise while driving. After a quick diagnostic test, I needed a new battery andtheentertainment computer system had to be recoded. Within a day, alltheelectrical problems were fixed!!

In summary,


ICOMNextis faster than the oldbmw icom. It is also better built IMHO.

And 2017 Next is WIFI available also.

It handles multiprogramming and coding quite nicely.

Gets the job done much faster if flashing the complete vehicle.


Another benefit toNextwill be compatibility for future cars.

In two or three years there will be a newICOMreleased, that will be probably better etc. That’s how things work.


So far, I have had theBMW ICOMNextA+B+C no issues.

Posted by: jean at 06:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 303 words, total size 3 kb.

May 15, 2017

BMW F-series coding ENET E-sys v3.23.4 Free Download

Free download E-sys 3.23 Psdzdata 50.3 with password and coding PIN:

Password: E*G@rqVa

PIN: 2670


What is BMW E-SYS:

E-SYS is the BMW diagnostic software for BMW F series coding?


What is Psdzdata?

The Psdzdata is basicly a pack that contains all the data needed for E-sys to be able to code a car, flash ecus and firmware update of the modules on the car.


What is BMW coding?

Coding is for people who want to play with the settings of BMW car software to achieve something more desirable. Coding is not really a programming; it is another name for re-configuring the software of your car. There are limited risks of messing up with your car SW but if you are careful, follow step by step instructions and know and understand what you are doing, it may be OK to go ahead. Never try to guess and do it, be absolutely sure for your steps, clarify your doubts before you proceed. There are experts on the forum willing to help you, don’t hesitate to ask even a silliest question. Never-the-less, if you want to try new unknown settings which others have not tried, believe me, you are playing with fire.


What is needed for coding on BMW F series:

BMW Ethernet to OBD-II Cable (ENET cable)

E-Sys software with installation password and coding PIN


A dedicated laptop with Windows XP (preferred) or Windows 7 with minimum 80 GB of free space

Software installer (optional), files attached

Backup utility for CAF files (optional), file attached


Where to get a workingBMW ENET cablefor coding?

Just DIY or spend a bit on it (usually less than $20)

Google "diy enet cable” and lots of DIY guides can be found there

But honestly, better to buy a working one with some pennies (lots of issues can be avoided)

The ENET cable tested myself:

Confirmed it’s working! Usually need luck with items from China.


What can be done withENET cablewith E-sys?

  1. Lock unlock sound confirmation ( to prevent radio interference, add sound to confirm car locked when turn light confirmation inconvenient. This is setup in cic)
    2. Can operate the navigation menu including watching dvd when driving( for driving safety. Let the side driver operate the navigation menu )
    3. Display engine output and torque meter ( purely fun, look engine output )
    4. Cancel confirmation screen big screen boot delay
    5. Open the voice recognition function
    6. Three kind of bluetooth phone ringtones ( personality only )
    7. Increasing the cic memory address to 50
    8. The glass automatically rise to the top process is not terminated by the car door ( easy to get off to close the window waiting )
    9. The digital speed display ( fun only )
    10. Air-conditioned memory of the last off state ( without air conditioning season is more convenient )
    11. Indoor cycling memories of the last time the state when engine off
    12. A-pillar electric tailgate buttons and remote control a key to close the power tailgate. At any time terminate the reverse operation ( turn off 15 minutes or more reset )
    13. Increasing shift paddles
    14. The small screen to the large-screen display modify
    15. Pdc display vertical and horizontal
    16. Disable the seat belt status display – passenger seat
    17. Disable the seat belt status display – driver seat
    18. Disable seat belt reminder mistake ! The link is invalid. Device – passenger seat
    19. Disable seat belt reminder – driving position
    20. Disabled unfasten their seat belts voice prompts – passenger seat
    21. Disabled unfasten their seat belts voice prompts – driving position
    22. Intersection vehicle high beam automatic control ( no condition tested. Do not know if it is valid )
    23. Angel eyes open and cancel functions
    24 turn off the engine start-stop function turned on by default
    25, gps time synchronization
    26. Foot open the back cover
    27. Ds show s1-s7 selection
    28. Active sports gearbox program sport +
    29. Single microphone settings
    30. Engine off automatically unlock
    31. Internet applications
    32. Armrest usb playback video
    33. The maximum distance disable front camera view
    34. The maximum distance to disable the rear camera view
    35. Maximum speed disable front camera view
    36. The maximum speed to disable the rear camera view



Good luck with BMW coding.


Posted by: jean at 03:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 731 words, total size 7 kb.

May 09, 2017

BMW ICOM Next V1.40.05 Firmware Update Instruction

Post topic: BMW ICOM Next fw: 1.4 1.40.05 bootimage 1.25.02 download and update instructions.

Free download BMW ICOMNext firmware 1.40.05:

Compatible ICOM Next interface:
  • BMW ICOM NEXTfw:1.4.0 V2017.03 Rheingold ISTA-D ISTA-P (Item No. SP269-1)
  • BMW ICOM NEXTfw:1.4.0 with no Rheingold ISTA-D ISTA-P(Item No. SP269)
  • Wifi BMW ICOM NEXTfw:1.4.0 with no Rheingold ISTA-D ISTA-P(Item No. SP269-B)
Tip:To run ICOM Next A+B+Cnewest Rheingold ISTA-D 4.04.12 ISTA-P, ICOM Next firmware needs to be updated to the current SYSTEM IMAGE version: 01.25.02 and current APPLICATION IMAGE version: 1.40.05.

ICOM Next fw 1.40.05/01.25.02 update steps:
  1. Please use internet cable to connect ICOM Next with the computer, and charge ICOM Next via 12V power adapter or connect ICOM Next to BMW vehicle for power.

  1. Use IE Internet Explorer to open, username/password: root/NZY1150263

  1. Select "Update Firmware”, you can see ICOM firmware version information.
  1. Select "Browse” to select file "ICOM-BootImage-01-25-02.bin”, set image type as "SYSTEM”, click "Send the file”.

  1. Select "Yes” when you get prompt "Write the image file to the flash?”, then ICOM indicator light will turn red.

  1. When it shows "The SYSTEM IMAGE update was successful”, click "Update Firmware”.
7. Choose "ICOM-ApplicationImage-01-40-05.bin”, set image type "APPLICATION”, click "Send the file”, this will be done in several minutes please be patient.

  1. click "Yes” when you get prompt "Write the image file to the flash?”, then the ICOM indicator light will turn red again.
  2. Complete updating, click "reboot”.

  1. Click "Home” – "Update Firmware”, you will see ICOM Next firmware display the newest version.

Make sure your computer obtain IP address automatically.


Posted by: jean at 07:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 268 words, total size 4 kb.

May 04, 2017

How to use Ncs expert to code BMW E90 Digital Speedometer

Do you know it’s easy to DIY activate Digital Speedometer show on BMW dashboard?

This blog will guide you how useNCS Expertand cheapBMW INPA K+DCAN USB Interfaceto code E90 335i 2008 Digital Speedometer!



All you need to prepare:

  1. A WIN 7 or WIN10 laptop with NCS Expert software.
  2. BMW INPACable$15.99 orINPA K+DCANCable with switch$17.99, both OK.


Step 1

Turn on car ignition and turn off anything that will run down car battery like headlight. (Make sure car battery is stable during the coding, or connect car with power supply)

Plug the INPA cable into car OBD2 port and the red LED will be on.

And connect the other USB end with laptop.


Step 2

Open BMW NCS Expert software.

Click the "File” button on top bar, choose "Load Profile” and "Revtor’s NCS Expert Profile”.


Click F1 button.

Click F3 button to select chassis E89. (BMW E89 is same with E90, E91 and E92)


Click F6 button to back.


Step 3

Click F4 button to choose ECU KOMBI.


Click F2 button to change job name and choose job: CODIERINDEX_LESEN. (It means to read code index)


Click F3 button to execute the job.

Then Job ended.


Step 4

Go to the Local Disk C: then folder NCSEXPER then folder WORK

Find the file FSW_PSW.TRC.


Open the file FSW_PSW.TRC, Control button + F to search "DIGITAL”.

And you can find this parameter "BC_DIGITAL_V”

Change the value from "nicht_aktiv” to "aktiv”.


Step 5

Save the change.

Click the "File” button on top bar, choose "Save as”.

Change the file name to "FSW_PSW.MAN”.

Click "Save” button and click "Yes” to replace the old FSW_PSW.MAN file.


Click F5 button to select basic function: coapiReadSgGetFswPsw


Basic function perfect ended.


Step 6

Click F2 button change job to choose SG_CODIEREN.


Then click F3 button to execute the job.

Wait it complete. Coding ended.


In this way you successfully make digital speedometer show on your Bimmer dashboard by cheapBMW INPA K+DCANcable!

Posted by: jean at 06:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 334 words, total size 12 kb.

May 02, 2017

BMW EWS Key Programmer new AK91 Plus vs. AK90

This is a comparison chart ofAK91 Plus key programmerv4.00 vs. AK90+ (AK90) key programmer v3.19 for BMW.
AK91 Plus key programmer


AK91+ key programmer price: $400 around

AK90+/AK90 key programmer


AK90+ key programmer price: $129
AK91 key programmer software: version 4.00

AK90 key programmer software: version 3.19

AK91 key programmer 4.00 vs.AK90 key programmer 3.19

AK91 Plus not only supportsEWS2.1/EWS2.2/EWS3/EWS3.3/EWS4/EWS4.4, but alsoadds key information identification function of the new F series CAS4/CAS4+/ new for Porsche; support reading frame number, key state, KM data.
AK91 Plus supports E series PCF7945 chip, F series CAS4/CAS4+ factory and the original factory PCF7953 chip refresh function (restore to a new key state); no need to disassemble the chip free, safe and efficient.

AK91 Plus KEY-PROG increased by 1995-2009 in all EWS read the key information functions; improved some of the EWS to read and write speed.


How to useAK91 key programmer for bmwkey programming:

  1. ak90 v3.19 fails to automatically install driver

ifit can’t automatically install driverafter install ak90 V3.19, please open C:\Program Files\HRT\AK90\Drv and install the Driver under the AK90 folder.


  1. How to program BMW keys with AK90 bmw key programmer?

remove the chip of ECU, ESL of your BMW car, insert it to AK90 diagnostic tool, then it will read the date information of your car.


plug the key into ak90 programming keys, which reads the data information of your car key.


the information of your car and your key is matched, then the AK90 key maker will tell what’s next step, so you just following it is ok, step by step, you will get what you want.


When making the new keys, you can insert the ECU and ESL to your car, and insert the key; it can star your car then.

  1. BMW ak90 do not need remove the chip when programming a new key:
  2. when program new key, no need to remove chip, but connect chip socket to EWS and another interface to AK90 host.

2 directly make new key with AK90 key programmer via wiring.


  1. no power charger, but supply power via USB cable, no need external power; it is supplied with special chip socket.


  1. Directly reading data dumps from MCU which marked 1D47J, 2D47J, 0D46J, 2L86D without removing MCU from circuit board, easy to do yourself.

5, with the help of software you can renew, lock or unlock keys as well.

  1. Programming original chips "EML 10030A” for making keys.
  2. Identifying keys for all EWS and CAS, showing VIN, key No. It support change VIN, but not support do mileage.

Posted by: jean at 06:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 430 words, total size 6 kb.

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